Welcome to Dad Bootcamps! 

This online course is for men who want to be great dads, but don't have time to spend 100 hours reading several parenting books, sifting through social media posts, researching products to buy, and reading blogs.

New Dad Bootcamp

What can you expect from a Dad Bootcamp?

Dad Bootcamps are all about preparing men to become GREAT dads! You can count on three things:

Save Time

Spend 2 hours watching this course to save yourself hundreds of hours.

Support the Mother

Becoming a Dad is hard, but becoming a Mom is harder. Learn what she'll go through and how to support her.

Feel Prepared

Be confident, knowing what to expect and what to do before, during, and after delivery. 

New Dad Bootcamp : Full Course


Online Course Content

  • Course Intro
  • Things To Do Early On In Pregnancy
  • What To Buy / Not Buy
  • Before The Hospital
  • At The Hospital
  • First Weeks At Home
  • Tactical Stuff Like Changing Diapers, Soothing A Baby, etc.
  • Book Summaries
  • Traveling With A Baby
  • Daycare Tips
Learn More
Bryan Z.

"My favorite module was the one that showed how to sooth a baby and get them to sleep better. Definitely helped us out!"

Jason B.

"Saved a ton of time... the videos were quick and efficient."

Aarron T.

"I like that the course is geared toward men. Most other content I saw was for women and didn't resonate as much."

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About Me

 Hi, I'm Nick. I'm a regular Dad of two young kids. I've spent hundreds of hours reading books, reading blogs, reading/watching Instagram posts, and actually caring for new babies. I found myself wishing there was a more efficient way to learn all things "new dad". So I built this course to save other men A TON of time.

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Whenever you're ready, we're here for you!